Soal dan Pembahasan TBI (Pilihan Berganda) Bagian 31

  1. While travelling to Mexico, the newlyweds ... the site of the Aztec.
    1. has visited
    2. had visited
    3. visited
    4. visiting
    Jawaban : c
    Past Continous + Simple Past → while / when + gerund, S + V2
  2. ..... the global economy crisis, many labors lost their job.
    1. Because of
    2. Because
    3. Despite
    4. In spite of
    Jawaban : a
    because of + noun phrase
  3. The children ... by the time their parents got home.
    1. Sleep
    2. was sleeping
    3. has already slept
    4. had already slept
    Jawaban : d
    Past Perfect Tense : S + had + V3 → had already slept
  4. ..... her shyness, she would have become a great teacher.
    1. she had overcome
    2. had she overcome
    3. if she overcame
    4. if she would overcome
    Jawaban : b
    Conditional Sentence Type 3 : if past perfect + past future perfect atau if dihilangkan dan had ditaruh depan
  5. By the time you get back, we ... care of everything.
    1. will take
    2. will be taking
    3. will have taken
    4. will have been taking
    Jawaban : c
    Future Perfect : S + will + have + V3, ditandai oleh by the time = pada saat
  6. The Whitney Boomerang is the first ... which exceeds all crash testing requirements.
    1. two seater aircraft
    2. two-seater aircraft
    3. two seaters aircraft
    4. two-seaters aircraft
    Jawaban : b
    two-seater merupakan satu kesatuan, bukan jumlah
  7. Nothing went wrong when the director was gone, .....?
    1. did it
    2. didn’t it
    3. was it
    4. wasn’t it
    Jawaban : a
    Nothing menyatakan main verb kalimat tsb negatif maka Question Tag-nya harus affirmative -> did it
  8. Ira barely sleeps before midnight, and ...
    1. Ita does not neither
    2. neither does Ita
    3. either does Ita
    4. does not Ita either
    Jawaban : b
    neither +auxiliary + S / S + auxiliary + either → neither does Ita
  9. As soon as the midfielder ... the ball, the striker will shoot it to the goal.
    1. Passes
    2. Passed
    3. will pass
    4. has passed
    Jawaban : a
    As soon as = segera sesudah → as soon as + simple past + simple future
  10. The artificial flower ... from paper was sold in the market.
    1. which made
    2. was made
    3. made
    4. it was made
    Jawaban : c
    Adjective Clause dengan kata kerja bentuk pasif (yang di…..), relative pronoun-nya dihilangkan : which is made → made